Quick and easy calculator


Enter a numeric expression and press ENTER to calculate.

Get last result by pressing ENTER again.

Use TAB and SHIFT+TAB to jump between fields.

Use SHIFT+Arrows, CTRL+C and CTRL+V to mark, copy and paste.

Variables a to d may be used.

Number format: 123.456E+123

Functions, constants and variables are case sensitive.

Numeric Operators

Bitwise Operators
&Bitwise logic AND
|Bitwise logic OR
^Bitwise logic XOR
~Bitwise logic NOT
<<Left shift
>>Signed right shift
>>>Unsigned right shift
Mathematical Constants
EEuler's Number e, 2.7182…
LN2Natural log of 2, 0.6931…
LN10Natural log of 10, 2.3025…
LOG2EBase 2 log of e, 1.4426…
LOG10EBase 10 log of e, 0.4342…
Archimedes' Constant π, 3.1415…
SQRT1_2Square root of 1/2, 0.7071…
SQRT2Square root of 2, 1.4142…
Physical Constants
C0Speed of light in vacuum, 299792458 m/s
E0Vacuum permittivity (electric constant), 8.854187817…E-12 F/m
ECElementary charge, 1.602176634E-19 C
G0Standard gravity, 9.80665 m/s2
GCGravitational constant, 6.6743E-11 N∙m2/kg2
HCPlanck constant, 6.62607015E-34 J∙s
KBBoltzmann constant, 1.380649E-23 J/K
NAAvogadro constant, 6.02214076E23 mol-1
RMolar gas constant, 8.31446261815324 J/(mol∙K)
U0Vacuum permeability (magnetic constant), 1.2566370614…E-6 N/A2
Imperial Units
FTFoot in m, 0.3048 m/ft
INInch in mm, 25.4 mm/in
LBPound in kg, 0.45359237 kg/lbm
PSIPound per square inch (lbf/in2) in Pa (N/m2), 6894.757293168 Pa/psi
YDYard in m, 0.9144 m/yd
abs(x)The absolute value of x
acos(x)The arccosine in radians of x
acosh(x)The area (inverse) hyperbolic cosine of x
acot(x)The arccotangent in radians of x, PI/2 - atan(x) (0 < acot(x) < PI)
acoth(x)The area (inverse) hyperbolic cotangent of x, atanh(1/x)
acsc(x)The arccosecant in radians of x, asin(1/x)
acsch(x)The area (inverse) hyperbolic cosecant of x, asinh(1/x)
asec(x)The arcsecant in radians of x, acos(1/x)
asech(x)The area (inverse) hyperbolic secant of x, acosh(1/x)
asin(x)The arcsine in radians of x
asinh(x)The area (inverse) hyperbolic sine of x
atan(x)The arctangent in radians of x (-PI/2 < atan(x) < PI/2)
atan2(y,x)The arctangent in radians of y/x (-PI < atan2(y,x) < PI)
atanh(x)The area (inverse) hyperbolic tangent of x
ceil(x)Round up to the nearest integer
cos(x)The cosine of x in radians
cosh(x)The hyperbolic cosine of x
cot(x)The cotangent of x in radians, 1/tan(x)
coth(x)The hyperbolic cotangent of x, 1/tanh(x)
csc(x)The cosecant of x in radians, 1/sin(x)
csch(x)The hyperbolic cosecant of x, 1/sinh(x)
date(x)Display date (and time) of day number x
day(y,m,d)Convert year, month, day (and hour, min, sec) to day number
deg(x)Convert x from radians to degrees
deg180(x)Convert x from radians to degrees within -180 to +180
deg360(x)Convert x from radians to degrees within 0 to 360
exp(x)e to the power of x, pow(E,x)
fact(x)The factorial of x, x! = Γ(x+1)
floor(x)Round down to the nearest integer
gamma(x)The gamma of x, Γ(x) = (x-1)!
high(x,y)if x ≥ y then 1 else 0
intdiv(x,y)Integer division of x / y
log(x)The natural logarithm (base e) of x
log10(x)The base 10 logarithm of x
log2(x)The base 2 logarithm of x
logb(y,x)The base y logarithm of x
low(x,y)if x ≤ y then 1 else 0
max(x,y)Gets the number with the highest value
min(x,y)Gets the number with the lowest value
pow(x,y)The value of x to the power of y, xy
rad(x)Convert x from degrees to radians
random()Random number between 0 and 1 (0 ≤ random() < 1)
range(x,y,z)if x ≥ y and x ≤ z then 1 else 0
round(x)Rounds x to nearest integer (mid point to even)
round(x,y)Rounds x to y decimals (nearest integer if y=0)
sec(x)The secant of x in radians, 1/cos(x)
sech(x)The hyperbolic secant of x, 1/cosh(x)
sign(x)if x > 0 then 1 else if x < 0 then -1 else 0
signz(x)if x ≥ 0 then 1 else -1
sin(x)The sine of x in radians
sinh(x)The hyperbolic sine of x
The square root of x
tan(x)The tangent of x in radians
tanh(x)The hyperbolic tangent of x

The JavaScript syntax and expression parser is used, so exact behavior (precision, precedence, etc.) depends on the client browser.

Some constants and functions are the same as in JavaScript, but many are extensions to the standard JavaScript, and a few have been changed and are not the same as in JavaScript.

This script will execute the user input as JavaScript code, using the eval() function. It is easy to "break" this page with malicious JavaScript code, but this will only affect the client browser itself.

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Developed by Anders Danielsson