Password generator

Generates random passwords. A user specified pattern or mask is used to create passwords. You should always use random passwords, and not passwords you think up your self.


Enter patterns/masks using these codes:
a Alphanumeric: 0-9, a-z
d Digit: 0-9
h Hexadecimal digit: 0-F
l Letter: a-z
v Vocal: a e i o u y
c Consonant: b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x z
* All above in lower and upper case
# All above, plus the symbols:
! # $ % ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; = ? @ [ ] _ ` { } ~ \

Allow duplicates
No duplicates consecutively
No duplicates at all
Popular patterns:


Use cut&paste to get wanted passwords from the list.

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Developed by Anders Danielsson