This 16-bit DOS program was developed during the years 1996 to 1998.

ADN v1.10 FidoNet NetMail Manager DOS+OS/2


56470 bytes
Jan 19, 2000
Click on file name to download (or use Save Link As...).

ADN is a FidoNet NetMail router, packer, bouncer and manager. It was initially written to be used with Binkley and Squish running on OS/2, but should work well for other mailers and scan/toss programs on OS/2 or DOS.

v1.10 January 19, 2000

  • Changed INTL and REPLYTO address conversion to accept @fidonet and similar. Added check for valid number in TOPT and FMTP.
  • Direct flag (DIR) in kludge FLAGS is now read and written by ADN.
  • Changed from shareware to freeware. No registration needed anymore.

v1.00 January 12, 1998

  • The FidoNet address 2:203/620 is no longer valid, and has been removed from the programs and documentation.
  • REGISTER.EXE v1.30 needed to register.
Copyright © 1996-2025 Scandinavian Digital Systems AB
Developed by Anders Danielsson