The archives below contain old and invalid addresses, company names and payment methods, that should be ignored.
Current and correct information is included in the text file ANDAN.TXT,
last updated on November 11, 2022.
All AnDan Software shareware programs are now freeware. They may be used, copied and distributed if no fee is charged and if no changes are done.
Terminated programs |
Due to a hard disk crash, the development of these obsolete 16-bit DOS programs was discontinued. | 37228 bytes Aug 3, 1994 | (v2.30.05) General archive repack utility. Repackes from any kind of archive files, .ARC, .ZIP, .PAK, .LZH, .ARJ, etc to any other kind, including self-extracting .EXE files. Includes updates of FILES.BBS and RemoteAccess v2.0 and Ezycom v1.1 file data bases, virus scanning, comment files removing and more. | 29318 bytes Aug 2, 1994 | (v1.00.05) Nodelist and nodediff maintenance. AnDan Software Nodelist is a program for maintenance of FidoNet compatible nodelists. It will unpack nodelists and nodediffs, process nodediffs to make new nodelists, delete old lists and diffs and pack new nodelists. Both list and diff file names may be specified, and it can maintain a renamed list in the nodelist directory. It can also create a region nodelist of your choice. | 29626 bytes Jul 19, 1994 | (v2.03.03) Mail/User graph for FD and Binkley. Reads FrontDoor's or Binkley's log-file and generates an usage graph, for both users and mailers that has called the BBS-system, in ASCII, ANSI and AVATAR text file format. With support of up to 999 telephone lines. Works with all BBS-programs. | 29057 bytes Nov 21, 1993 | (v1.00.16) ADZ, AnDan Software ZModem. ADZ is a small communication program (supports Fossils, 16550, 115200 bps) with built in ZModem. It can also be used as an external file protocol for other programs (including MODEM009 and RA). ADZ recognizes some of the extensions in DSZ, and add some new features, like up to 8192 bytes block size, when sending to an other ADZ. |
Old programs |
These obsolete 16-bit DOS programs were (originally) written long before Windows. | 5535 bytes Jan 20, 1992 | (v1.01) Enables/disables the 486 cache. Enables or disables the internal 8 Kb cache on the 486 CPU. With source in ASM. | 21372 bytes Jan 16, 1989 | (v1.12) Simple backupprog, prefer 1.2Mb disk. Backup and installation program. Quick and easy, saves like the COPY command, and useful for 1.2Mb diskettes. Uses all available DOS RAM memory. | 441889 bytes Aug 10, 1993 | (v1.04) The AnDan Software C++ Library. The complete AnDan Software C++ Library (ADC++), with docs, sources and library files. Use with the Zortech C++ v2.0 or v2.1. Not for beginners! | 8029 bytes Jan 23, 1991 | (v1.00) Adcmem, shows DOS memory blocks. Shows DOS memory allocation blocks, including DOS v5.0's UMBs. Detects multitasking/TSR programs written in ADC++. With source in ADC++. | 38125 bytes Apr 12, 1989 | (v1.05) Faster Video BIOS, with source. Speeds up the Video BIOS calls on textmodes with MDA/CGA/EGA/VGA. Is recommended with other AnDan Software programs, because they uses BIOS calls to write to the screen. In some cases it will speed up the BIOS accesses eight times (!). Some 386 machines with Video Shadowing may not have any speed ups. | 26101 bytes Mar 13, 1992 | (v1.00) ARobots, game for ASM programmers. ARobots is a game for assembly language programmers. You write an assembly language program, following some simple rules, to control a robot. The program AROBOT.EXE loads your robot with other robots written by you or by your competitors, and shows the movement, missile firing, etc, of the robots. | 4877 bytes Feb 20, 1993 | (v1.10) Warm, cold or keyboard controller boot. Does a warm, cold or keyboard controller boot. With source in ASM. | 14261 bytes Aug 11, 1993 | (v1.00) Call .BAT with newest/split filename. CallFile and CallNewF, two .BAT-file utilities for breaking down filenames into name and extension and searching newest file. Specially designed for filenames with digits in their extensions, such as nodelists. With source in ASM. | 12882 bytes Jan 16, 1989 | (v3.00) Checks/filters textfiles. You can remove spaces and tabs in end of lines, convert between Swedish and standard ASCII, remove overwritten lines as a printer or as a terminal does. Number of pages and lines are counted. Uses all available DOS RAM memory. | 13973 bytes Sep 21, 1991 | (v1.02) Calculates CRCs and checksums. Calculates 16- and 32-bits checksums, 16- and 32-bits CRCs, with both the ZMODEM and ARC method, on files or memory. With source in ADC++. | 11838 bytes Aug 10, 1993 | (v1.00) CivMod for Civilization. CivMod is a cheat program for the game Sid Meier's Civilization by MicroProse. With source in ASM. | 6083 bytes Jul 20, 1989 | (v0.01) Shows color map. Only shows the color map on CGA/EGA/VGA. | 23076 bytes Aug 11, 1993 | (v1.00) Compare and dup check of file lists. CmpFiles compares file lists of most types. DupFiles checks one file list for any duplicate filenames. With source in ADC++. | 5324 bytes Sep 21, 1991 | (v1.00) Sets IRQ on/off on COM-ports. Sets the OUT2 signal on COM-ports. With source in ASM. | 6217 bytes Feb 11, 1990 | (v1.00) How to calculate CRC 16 and 32. Algorithms and functions in the C language for CRC 16 and 32. | 9053 bytes Jun 1, 1992 | (v1.10) Calculates CRC-32 of files. Small and fast program for CRC-32 calculation of one or many files. Used in documentations of AnDan Software programs. With source in ADC++. | 8472 bytes Jan 5, 1993 | (v1.00) Critical Error Handler. Will automaticly send response keys to "Abort, Retry, ..." prompts. With source in ASM. | 7334 bytes Jul 24, 1989 | (v1.00) Creates files and measures the time. Creates a lot of testfiles and measures the time it takes to creat the files. Usefull when optimizing the "BUFFERS=xx" value, and for testing different HD-Caches. | 20408 bytes Jan 11, 1993 | (v1.03) Displays files in FILES.BBS. Used to display files in a file area with a FILES.BBS, and to create file lists. Handles ANSI, more prompts, appending of not described files, duplicates and more. With source in ADC++. | 11498 bytes Feb 18, 1989 | (v1.00) General filterprogram. Search for any ASCII character and replaces it with an other character or string, or removes it. Uses all available DOS RAM memory. | 3033 bytes Feb 11, 1989 | Fixes INT 02H,06H,10H, with source. A SYS file to be loaded in CONFIG.SYS that take cares of interrupt 02H, 06H and fixes a common error on INT 10H. This program will soon be replaced. | 9184 bytes May 2, 1989 | (v2.01) Change date/time on files. Well, it changes date and time on files. Can change on *.* and on subdirectory files, of course. | 6041 bytes May 3, 1989 | (v2.12) Wait for a key in BAT-files. Batch file command that lets you wait for specified characters, with sourcecode in assembler. | 17497 bytes Aug 11, 1993 | (v1.00) GEcho Statistics. GStat is a GEcho v1.01 echomail import statistics program. With source in ADC++. | 1031 bytes Mar 12, 1989 | (v1.00) Sets ERRORLEVEL to day of week. A very small program that sets ERRORLEVEL to current day of week. With sourcecode. | 8962 bytes Jan 26, 1989 | (v1.00) Removes messages in Opus. Messages from or to a specified person is removed. For Opus only. | 6928 bytes Sep 6, 1990 | (v1.00) Low chars in DORINFO?.DEF. Source example in ADC++. | 8896 bytes Jan 20, 1989 | (v1.00) FILES.BBS to LYNX's FILES.QBS. Thats all. | 10796 bytes Sep 22, 1991 | (v1.02) Generates magic file request names. Generates a magic file request name of the latest (newest) file, and keeps a given number of the latest files, matching a given file name. With source in ADC++. | 7265 bytes Sep 22, 1991 | (v1.11) Marks textfiles (enhanced ECHO). Used like ECHO in BAT-files, but with more control. Can write things like date and time, disk size etc. With source in ASM. | 15839 bytes Sep 23, 1991 | (v1.10) Miniterm, comm. program. A 14 Kb communication program, written in ADC++ as a source example. Uses FOSSIL or internal routines with NS16550AFN support. With source in ADC++. | 21271 bytes Feb 2, 1993 | (v1.01) Msggen, generates netmail messages. Generates netmail messages (*.MSG files), in many powerful ways. With source in ADC++. | 9525 bytes Sep 21, 1989 | (v1.00) Use diff compr formats for echomail. Use any compression format for packing and unpacking echomail. Different formats for different nodes. | 44292 bytes Aug 14, 1993 | (v1.02) NodeStat and NodeUser for FD and RA. FrontDoor log file analyzer (NodeStat) and update of RemoteAccess v1.11's USERS.BBS with nodes file requests and subscription expiry handling for nodes (NodeUser). With source in ADC++. | 1708 bytes Nov 24, 1988 | (v1.00) Parks harddisks at given cyl. Parks at given cylinders, or gives suggestions of cylinders to park on. | 9652 bytes Aug 15, 1993 | (v2.00) Generates passwords. Generates X number of password of Y letters. Also generates passwords where each character's type may be of different types, such as digit, vocal, consonant, etc. With source in ADC++. | 33008 bytes Sep 23, 1991 | (v1.10) Patch utilities. Includes "Make Patch" and "File Search and Patch". With source in ADC++. | 16400 bytes Sep 23, 1991 | (v1.10) Displays PKT files. Look inside and analyze PKT files used by FidoNet. With source in ADC++. | 7847 bytes Dec 16, 1992 | (v1.10) Clears counters in RemoteAccess. Clear msgs posted, no. calls, uploads, downloads, etc in USERS.BBS. Clear total number of calls, in SYSINFO.BBS. Set subscription expiry date to today's date on all empty fields. Sets Quiet flag to No. With source in ASM. | 34195 bytes Feb 1, 1993 | (v2.20) General archive repack utility. Repackes from any kind of archive files, .ARC, .ZIP, .PAK, .LZH, .ARJ, etc to any other kind, including self-extracting .EXE files. Includes updates of FILES.BBS, virus scanning, comment files removing and more. With source in ADC++. | 20203 bytes Aug 10, 1993 | (v1.10) RA v1.11 subscription expiry handler. For RemoteAccess v1.11. Sets flags depending on "subscription expiry", "expiry within 30 days" and "download limit reached". Includes utilities for setting comment and subdate fields. With source in ASM. | 23212 bytes Feb 11, 1992 | (v1.00) SDS Benchmark. Scandinavian Digital Systems Benchmark program. With source in ADC++ and ASM. | 2745 bytes Jan 5, 1993 | (v1.00) Creates semaphore files. Does the same as REM>, useful in IF and FOR .BAT-file statements. With source in ASM. | 3224 bytes Jul 6, 1989 | (v1.00) Sets P22 on 8047, used as MHz select. Sets the digital out signal P22 on 8047 to logic 0 or 1, often used as MHz select. | 120525 bytes Sep 21, 1989 | (v1.01a) Simulator/crossdebugger for MC6809. Simulates 6809 both soft and hard. A must for people writing 6809 programs. Looks like CodeView. | 11385 bytes May 2, 1989 | (v2.05) Sets the Real Time Clock, MC146818. Only for computers with the MC146818 IC. Sets the RTC, including its registers and CMOS RAM. | 33484 bytes Jan 18, 1991 | (v1.01) Test of multitasking/TSR with ADC++. Tests the TSR and multitasking capabilities of the AnDan Software C++ Library, with source in ADC++. | 5533 bytes Jan 5, 1993 | (v1.00) Waits and gives CPU time to Win or OS/2. Waits a specified number of seconds while giving time slices to the multitasker. With source in ASM. | 4604 bytes Feb 3, 1990 | (v1.00) Check time in BAT-files, with src. Used to check time intervall of the day in BAT-files. | 10742 bytes Dec 16, 1992 | (v1.00) CD-ROM lists to FILES.BBS. Converts CD-ROM lists (and others) to FILES.BBS. With source in ADC++. | 7535 bytes Aug 11, 1993 | (v1.00) Touch files to todays date. Touches files to todays date and time. The time may be specified on the command line. With source in ADC++. | 9834 bytes Nov 8, 1990 | (v1.00) Copies/moves text lines. Copies or moves text lines from one file to another. With source in ADC++. | 7624 bytes Aug 16, 1993 | (v1.00) UART Documentation with utilities. Documentation of the UARTs 8250, 16450 and 16550, including an Is16550 program. With source in ASM. | 27154 bytes Aug 14, 1993 | (v2.02) Mail/User graph for FD and Binkley. Reads FrontDoor's or Binkley's log-file and generates an usage graph, for both users and mailers that has called the BBS-system, in ASCII, ANSI and AVATAR text file format. With support of up to 999 telephone lines. Works with all BBS-programs. With source in ADC++. | 23710 bytes Aug 10, 1993 | (v2.01) RemoteAccess v1.11 Users, Stat and Del. Delete users, create and clear statictics of users in a RemoteAccess v1.11 BBS system. With source in ADC++. | 4890 bytes Jan 5, 1993 | (v1.00) Wakes discon. drives, useful in LANs. Some LANs may disconnect a network drive for example when rebooting a server. Wake will wake them up. With source in ASM. | 39308 bytes Jan 5, 1993 | (v1.00 English) Exit Win with Errorlevel WIND Exits Windows with Errorlevel set by semaphore files. | 2086 bytes Nov 24, 1988 | (v1.00) Writeprot harddisks. The write protection filters BIOS calls. Programs that uses direct access to diskcontroller cards is not affected by this program. |
Swedish only |
These obsolete 16-bit DOS programs are in Swedish. | 33739 bytes Mar 27, 1989 | (v1.21) BAT-filstyrt meny prog, även mus. Generellt menyprogram för batchfiler. Batchfilen innehåller olika menyalternativ och vilka batchkommandon som skall utföras för varje alternativ. Alternativen presenteras i ett fönster och väljs antingen med piltangenterna eller med en mus. Innehåller också DR.EXE som visar filer liknande DIR. Kan visa enbart vissa filer med vissa attribut, underliggande kataloger och verklig upptagen storlek. DR kan bla användas som ett WHEREIS kommando och som batchfilsgenerator. | 6890 bytes May 3, 1989 | (v1.10) Väntar och visar tid i XX sekunder. Visar svenskt datum och tid under ett specifierat antal sekunder. Om någon tangent nedtrycks under det att tiden visas så sätts ERRORLEVEL till 1 annars till 0. Bra vid automatisk uppstart av program när ingen är närvarande. | 1022 bytes May 18, 1989 | BAT-filer till FILT100, för ÅÄÖ konv. Innehåller BAT-filer till programmet FILT100, för ÅÄÖ konv. | 39151 bytes Jan 16, 1989 | (v1.00) Hjälpprog för DOS3.2, Norton Util Generellt svenskt hjälp-program som visar hjälptexter sidvis och där man kan söka på sidorubriker. Medföljande hälptexter som beskriver alla MS- DOS vers 3.20 kommandon och filer, Norton Utilities vers 3.1, AnDan Software program mm. | 30050 bytes Dec 16, 1992 | (v3.02) Super-Keybsv AnDan Software. Keybsv är ett programpaket för svenska tangentbord till PC kompatibler, som ersätter program som KEYB.COM mm, och som tillför en mängd extra funktioner och tillbehörsprogram. Ett måste för alla med svenskt tangentbord! | 65772 bytes May 21, 1990 | (v0.09) Svenskt kom prog, kräver ex DSZ. Svenskt kommunikationsprogram speciellt gjort för svenska förhållanden (dvs ÅÄÖ). Programmet är lättanvänt, med manualen inbyggd i programmet. Klarar ANSI-BBS och AVATAR. Använder endast externa filöverföringsprotokoll. Med DSZ0218, eller motsvarande, så får man ZMODEM. Läs textfilen MODEM009.DOC för mer information. |
modem009.doc 1247 bytes May 21, 1990 | Beskriver MODEM009, gör "Type" på denna fil | 9070 bytes May 15, 1989 | (v1.00) Konv svenska tkn i QBBS menyer. Konverterar QBBSens *.MNU filer mellan 7 och 8-bits svenska tecken. | 39357 bytes Jan 5, 1993 | (v1.00 Svensk) Avsluta Win med Errorlevel WIND Avslutar Windows med Errorlevel styrd av semaforfiler. |